Chairman's Message

Welcome to Ispahani Girls' School & College website. As you read through the pages of this site, you will learn about our wonderful students, our School and get a feel for the vibrancy and strength of our wider Ispahani Girls' School & College community. Ispahani Girls' School & College is an all-girls educational institute in New Eskaton Road, Dhaka, Bangladesh. It has only one campus and around 2,000 students. Ispahani Girls' School & College is one of the renowned educational institutes in Bangladesh. We consider every child as unique and so we maintain inclusive learning-teaching environment at every step in our great set-up. It is a fact now that our results are getting better in the public examinations every time. It has been made possible through our extensive and effective care stretched out to every individual student. Our students conglomerate here from multifarious backgrounds; various strata of the society. They enter the threshold of our strong and fortified home of learning and come out bearing an all-round personality.Handling its every student toward developing physical and mental growth should include co curricular activities beside academic challenges.

The teachers of this institution are highly educated and well-trained. Moreover, it is our belief that much more sundry training will widen the periphery of the respected teachers more. With this the modern architecture, rich classroom and library, adequate scientific equipments of Ispahani Girls' School & College is functioning as helping hand in building students eligible citizen for meeting up the demand of the age. In the age of unrestricted current of information, the knowledge of science and information technology has become inevitable to build more science bent skilled human resource for facing boldly the challenges of twenty first century.

I wish its success and hopeful that it will be a useful tool for the students in accomplishing their life and scholastic track.

Mohammed Abdul Mabud

Additional DIG (Admin and Finance), Dhaka Range, Bangladesh Police, Chairman
Ispahani Girls' School & College, Dhaka.